Monday 22 February 2010

contents page for nme analysis

The contents page has two different images. The bigger picture is of the group standing at the premiere and is the main focus point for the audience. This suggets that the image maybe important to the rest of the magazine. The smaller image is of a cover that is coming out and the promotion is telling the audience to subscribe and save money. This will attract the audience because as an audience we are always looking for cheaper deals. The strip on the side shows what articles will be shown throughout the magazine and also showing what page numbers they are on. This makes it easier for the audience to find what they are interested in.The colour scheme is black, white and red. This is a house style that has been developed. This contents page is presented neatly because it is divided up into sections making it easy for the audience to understand. One section is the large central image and it has text explaining where and why the phto was taken. Another section is for the strip down the side which states what is on the other pages and the page numbers.Finally the strip at the bottom is used for advertising or subscribtions.

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