Monday 2 November 2009

jlo cosmopolitan

Jennifer head is covering quite a large part of the title showing that the magazine is well known and having Jennifer on the front cover will make the magazine more popular. Jennifer is wearing red dress which blends in with the backgroud of the front cover therefore this draws the audiences attention to the parts of her body thats showing.
The red, orange and yellow colour scheme makes are colours associated with fire so it gives her a firey look and makes the picture more bold and sexy.Her focus is directly towards the audience. The sub title ' his pleasure' suggest they are talking about jennifer also.Her hair is being blown back by wind which shows her whole face and shows off her shoulders and chest.This makes her more revealed and connected to the audience.

1 comment:

  1. Some good observations here. Try to use more language such as shot type, facial expressions, body language, lighting...
