Monday 12 October 2009

jlo fhm

On the front cover of this magazine her head is only covering the end of the main title which can suggest that the magazine is not yet well known and have used jennifer to increase sales rates this suggests that she is a powerful icon.In this image she is wearing a light blue bikini which brings out her golden skin colour and which is often desired by many women . The background which is also a light blue emphasises the way her body is positioned and again brings out her skin tone.She is positioned sitting on the floor which is covered with sand showing that she is exotic at the same time powerless as she is on her knees,which will attract men to the magazine as they like to think they are dominant. Her hand is placed on her hip and she is leaning to the side showing off her curves and defined stomach.The title below her knee gives us a sense of how she is seen by the industry and fans which is a 'goddess'. The look on her face is fierce yet seductive which give more sex appeal to the picture.The title next her head saying 'sex mad' sets a mind frame for the reader that this lady is all about being desired or a goddess. This image portrays jennifer to be a sex icon and eventhough the magazines main audience is women this image will definetly attract some men.

1 comment:

  1. Good, some use of language here, refer to shot type etc.
